Adult Outdoor Soccer 11v11 Orem


League fees are $725 and referee fees are $700 so a total of $1425. League fees can be paid with Venmo or a credit card online. Referee fees must be paid with Venmo. The Venmo id for leagues fees and referee fees is @premierclubsoccer. Referee fees will be your deposit and must be sent separate and prior to the league fees. Please don’t pay until you are approved to play for the season (or you will be charged a processing fee if you do not play and funds are refunded). When sending payments, please list your team’s name. Thanks

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Fees: $725 team fee + $700 in ref fees so $1425 total per season

Seasons: Spring and Summer/Fall -10 games each

Spring -starts the middle of April every year
Fall -starts the second week of August every year

Fields: varies per season

Games: Two 45 minute halves with a 10 minute half time

Upper -Saturday games between 8am and 7pm
Intermediate -Saturday games between 8am and 7pm

Additional information


Spring, Summer/ Fall